Secondary brain vesicles form: forebrain into diencephalon and telencephalon; hindbrain into myelencephalon and metenchephalon.
Evans OB, Hutchins JB. 1997. Development of the Nervous System. Chapter 5 In: Haines DE, ed. Fundamental Neuroscience. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Diencephalon develops into epithalamus, thalamus, and hypothalamus, as well as the optic cup (which develops into the optic nerve and retina).
Duration: 1 week
Evans OB, Hutchins JB. 1997. Development of the Nervous System. Chapter 5 In: Haines DE, ed. Fundamental Neuroscience. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Main structures of the forebrain develop; facial structures develop from mesoderm.
Duration: 4 weeks
Evans OB, Hutchins JB. 1997. Development of the Nervous System. Chapter 5 In: Haines DE, ed. Fundamental Neuroscience. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
Cerebral hemispheres develop into cerebral cortex, subcortical white matter, olfactory bulb/tract, basal gaglia, amygdala, and hippocampus.
Duration: 5 weeks
Evans OB, Hutchins JB. 1997. Development of the Nervous System. Chapter 5 In: Haines DE, ed. Fundamental Neuroscience. New York: Churchill Livingstone.
The pontine flexure divides the hindbrain into the myelencephalon (medulla) and metencephalon (pons and cerebellum) sections.
Moore KL, Persaud TVN. 1998. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co.
Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid begins to form.
Duration: 1 week
Moore KL, Persaud TVN. 1998. The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. 6th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co.
Forebrain (prosencephalon) divides into the telencephalon and diencephalon.
Larsen WJ. 1997. Human Embryology. New York: Churchill Livingstone Inc.
Neurogenesis of cerebellum, through week 40.
Duration: 35 weeks
Bayer SA, Altman J, Russo RJ, Zhang X. 1993. Timetables of neurogenesis in the human brain based on experimentally determined patterns in the rat. Neurotoxicology 14(1):83-144.
Neurogenesis of piriform cortex and septum, through week 9.9.
Duration: 4 weeks
Bayer SA, Altman J, Russo RJ, Zhang X. 1993. Timetables of neurogenesis in the human brain based on experimentally determined patterns in the rat. Neurotoxicology 14(1):83-144.
Neurogenesis of thalamus (through week 9.9), neocortex (through week 14.9) and striatum (through week 18.9).
Duration: 9 weeks
Bayer SA, Altman J, Russo RJ, Zhang X. 1993. Timetables of neurogenesis in the human brain based on experimentally determined patterns in the rat. Neurotoxicology 14(1):83-144.
Neurogenesis limbic cortex, through week 14.9.
Duration: 9 weeks
Bayer SA, Altman J, Russo RJ, Zhang X. 1993. Timetables of neurogenesis in the human brain based on experimentally determined patterns in the rat. Neurotoxicology 14(1):83-144.
Brain stem cranial nerve association nuclei are all distinguishable.
Duration: 1 week
Larsen WJ. 1997. Human Embryology. New York: Churchill Livingstone Inc.